Mediations with Candost
Software World with Candost
#16: Being an Indie Hacker and Part-time Creator with Benedicte Raae

#16: Being an Indie Hacker and Part-time Creator with Benedicte Raae

In this episode, my guest is Benedicte Raae, the software developer behind POW! App. In this episode of The Software World, we talked about her indie hacker journey and how she navigates the indie hacker life, overcomes challenges, and stays motivated.

Here are the links that are mentioned in the show:


Mediations with Candost
Software World with Candost
Software World is a podcast for software engineers hosted by Candost. Every second Tuesday, Candost uncovers the journeys of people and software systems. I interview the experts or talk alone about software architecture, system design, feedback, software engineering leadership, careers, team management, processes, product and customer-centricity, and more.
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